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Perforated sheet metal

We manufacture micro-perforated sheets with the following materials: copper, pre-painted dark brown and grey-white sheet metal, stainless steel ASI 304.

Standard products

We have in stock the following gutters pre-painted in dark brown, thk. 0.6 mm: - Round with and without curl (development 250/330/400/500 mm); - Square (development 330/400/500 mm); - Lengths (4000/5000/6000 mm).

Custom products

We manufacture every shape of gutter, round or square, barge board, cover, flashing, large flashing, profile, ridge, starting from customer's drawings and specifications. Maximum bending length 8000 mm. Wide range of materials available in the special section.

Simple and serrated ridges

For the finishing of roofs made with insulated panels, faux tile or fretted, we produce simple or notched ridges, of the side or central type. Standard length 3150 mm.

Polycarbonate products

The versatility of our equipment allows us to also work with materials other than those we have traditionally used. It is the case of polycarbonate and other plastics that we bend according to customer specifications, in order to meet every need.